John Howard Collection ➔ Folders containing transcripts of interviews, press releases, speeches and reports ➔ 1991 Gold tax(NAA 001.M4265.82)
Papers of Dorothy Green ➔ Series 2 Literary works, 1967-1986 ➔ 2.1 The dolphin (1967)(MSS 020.2.1)
Papers of John Romeril ➔ Series 2 Dramas, 1968-1992 ➔ 2.1 The kitchen table (1968)(MSS 054.2.1)
Papers of Alex Miller ➔ Series 2 Novels ➔ 2.1 Watching the climbers on the mountain (1988)(MSS 318.2.1)
Papers of Philip Hodgins ➔ Series 2 Poetry and Novels, 1985-1995 ➔ 2.1 Blood and bone, 1986(MSS 013.2.1)
Papers of Nancy Cato ➔ Series 2 Prose, 1976-1992 ➔ 2.1 Forefathers (1983)(MSS 007.2.1)
Papers of Robert Gray ➔ Series 2 Poetry ➔ 2.1 Introspect, retrospect (1970)(MSS 016.2.1)
Papers of Thomas Shapcott ➔ Series 2 Short Stories ➔ 2.1 Limestone and lemon wine (1988)(MSS 114.2.1)
Papers of Vincent Buckley ➔ Series 2 Poetry, 1947-1988 ➔ 2.1 Miscellaneous poetry, 1947-1981(MSS 229.2.1)
Papers of David Foster ➔ Series 2 Novels, 1973-1999 ➔ 2.1 North South West: three novellas (1973)(MSS 160.2.1)
Papers of Philip Hammial ➔ Series 2 Poetry ➔ 2.1 Squeeze (1985)(MSS 080.2.1)
Papers of Robert Adamson ➔ Series 2 Literary Works, c. 1970-1994 ➔ 2.1, The clean dark (1989)(MSS 149.2.1)
Papers of Glenda Adams ➔ Series 2 Novels, 1970-1996 ➔ 2.1, Games of the strong (1982)(MSS 076.2.1)
Papers of John Jenkins ➔ Series 2 Poetry, 1977-2003 ➔ 2.1, Miscellaneous Poetry, 1986-2001(MSS 008.2.1)
Papers of John Romeril ➔ Series 2 Dramas, 1968-1992 ➔ 2.10 The earth, air, fire, and water show (1973)(MSS 054.2.10)
Papers of Robert Gray ➔ Series 2 Poetry ➔ 2.10 Lineations (1996) and Lineations: selected poems (1998)(MSS 016.2.10)
Papers of David Foster ➔ Series 2 Novels, 1973-1999 ➔ 2.10 The glade within the grove (1996)(MSS 160.2.10)
Papers of David Foster ➔ Series 2 Novels, 1973-1999 ➔ 2.11 'Order from disorder' [nd](MSS 160.2.11)
Papers of John Romeril ➔ Series 2 Dramas, 1968-1992 ➔ 2.11 Night with the right, c. 1970s(MSS 054.2.11)
Papers of Robert Gray ➔ Series 2 Poetry ➔ 2.11 New selected poems (1998)(MSS 016.2.11)
Papers of John Romeril ➔ Series 2 Dramas, 1968-1992 ➔ 2.12 A night in Rio and other bummerz (1973)(MSS 054.2.12)
Papers of David Foster ➔ Series 2 Novels, 1973-1999 ➔ 2.12 In the new country (1999)(MSS 160.2.12)
Papers of Robert Gray ➔ Series 2 Poetry ➔ 2.12 Miscellaneous Poems(MSS 016.2.12)
Papers of John Romeril ➔ Series 2 Dramas, 1968-1992 ➔ 2.13 Waltzing Matilda : a national pantomime with tomato sauce (1973)(MSS 054.2.13)
Papers of John Romeril ➔ Series 2 Dramas, 1968-1992 ➔ 2.14 The floating world (1974)(MSS 054.2.14)
Papers of John Romeril ➔ Series 2 Dramas, 1968-1992 ➔ 2.15 The accidental poke (1975)(MSS 054.2.15)
Papers of John Romeril ➔ Series 2 Dramas, 1968-1992 ➔ 2.16 The golden Holden show (1975)(MSS 054.2.16)
Papers of John Romeril ➔ Series 2 Dramas, 1968-1992 ➔ 2.17 The records of the Castlemaine pioneers (1976)(MSS 054.2.17)
Papers of John Romeril ➔ Series 2 Dramas, 1968-1992 ➔ 2.18 Radio-active horror show (1977)(MSS 054.2.18)
Papers of John Romeril ➔ Series 2 Dramas, 1968-1992 ➔ 2.19 Dudders and The dud war, 1940-1988(MSS 054.2.19)
Papers of John Romeril ➔ Series 2 Dramas, 1968-1992 ➔ 2.2 A nameless concern (1968)(MSS 054.2.2)
Papers of Vincent Buckley ➔ Series 2 Poetry, 1947-1988 ➔ 2.2 Arcady and other places (1966)(MSS 229.2.2)
Papers of Alex Miller ➔ Series 2 Novels ➔ 2.2 The Tivington Nott (1989)(MSS 318.2.2)
Papers of Robert Gray ➔ Series 2 Poetry ➔ 2.2 Creekwater journal (1974)(MSS 016.2.2)
Papers of Philip Hodgins ➔ Series 2 Poetry and Novels, 1985-1995 ➔ 2.2 Down the lake with half a chook, 1988(MSS 013.2.2)
Papers of Thomas Shapcott ➔ Series 2 Short Stories ➔ 2.2 Early drafts of short stories appearing in Limestone and lemon wine (1988)(MSS 114.2.2)